We flew from Ushuaia to El Calafate this morning and went for a little walk at a nearby wildlife preserve at Laguna Nime. There were birds of every color, shape and size enjoying the waters at the edge of Lago Argentina. We got fairly close to a flock of flamingos before they burst into the air, bright pink and black wings against the bluest waters. The photo doesn't do them much justice. I'm quickly learning that this place is far beyond any photo--impossible to capture in two dimensions.
HOla, amigo: que bueno es recibir noticias de Uds los dos. Por favor, sigue enviándolas.
We would all like to see pictures of Annie, rather than you. Say hello for me.
How is the beef?
¡Hasta pronto!
Hola Chip!
We´re in Chile after 6 days on the trail--Condors, Guanacos, Rheas and lots of Europeans! Will post photos of Annie later! The beef is great--all you can eat Parilla BBQ for $10...mmmmmm....
Hasta pronto! Marc and Annie
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