Annie and I went north last weekend to fish near Cody, Wyoming and in the Bighorn mountains. Epic of course--that is the only way we roll. I won't bore myself (my only reader) with another long fishing story about gargantuan cutthroats and rainbows. Nor will I mention a slightly unnerving encounter with a 2,000-pound, pissed off, bull moose. I'll also not discuss the secret stretch of magical water known as the North Tongue, that's so stuffed with 20" trout, that you could just reach in and pull out a sushi roll .... I'll just post a few photos instead!
Annie and our talented guide, Scott Sweebe of Eastgate Anglers, are stalking monsters in Newton lake near Cody. The local rivers were blown out with mud, thanks to some recent rainfall, so we were limited to lake fishing in Cody.

This is a friendly bull moose we found munching on some willows in the Bighorns. He was pretty mellow, even though I think I intimidated him a bit.

Here I am holding one the many fish I plucked from this stream, using a secret weapon of a fly, which I'm unable to disclose. Anyhow, this guy was tucked up next to a small pour over and chased my fly 10 feet into the creek before gobbling it up like an idiot. Just kidding, he seemed kind of smart ... I was just smarter. I guess that's not much to brag about.

And, finally, here's Annie with her first fish ever. Three firsts: first time ever catching a fish, first time ever catching a fish on a fly rod (much more difficult than catching fish with dynamite) and first time ever refusing to hold a fish for a photograph.
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